Friday, June 01, 2007

Special Advert to Huiting

1. Showtime
2. 达人show
3. 催眠show

These are the 3 albums that my brother has. Opened before but still in decent condition. Won't mind selling on a cheap so let me know which ones you want and how much you wish to offer :p

1 comment:

新加坡双年展2011 said...

Umm..我有催眠show,可是是改版的..那这样吧,我先买 Showtime的,之后有多一点钱再买其它的,可以吗?[假期时我花的钱特别快,所以只能慢慢买.=(]
每一张我最多只能出$25而已,因为偶是学生,没那么多钱. =P
真得很谢谢你和你兄弟哦,肯卖给我这个疯狂的歌迷. =D