Friday, February 24, 2012

Birthday 2011 with my (working) partner Jycelyn!

(All pics taken by my Samsung Galaxy S)

Too bad we were seated inside as it was raining that day...

Lots of greens...

Lots of pastries...

Hams and salmon...

Dear Jycelyn playing with my handphone camera :p

I find her cute in this...

though she prefers this :)

Do i look happy? :D

Enjoying my omelette :)

Birthday present from dear Jycelyn!



Thank you Jycelyn for a wonderful birthday!

Long time no see

Long time no see!

To my blog which i have so heartlessly neglected for so so long...

To anyone out there who actually took time to drop by only to see the same old entry...


I'm back!!!

Haha i don't know how frequent I'm gonna update this dear old blog from now on...

Once a week? Once a month?

I typical Wesley fashion...


However, my blog is still a place where i record down memorable moments of my life...

So the next few entries will be flashbacks and recollections of 2 particular moments which stood out for me for the end of 2011...

And for those who care to know...

Those were 2 happy moments :)