Friday, July 27, 2007

My workplace :p

The entrance to my dreams and aspirations

Never imagined that I'll be working inside a corporate building :p

Monday, July 16, 2007


现在的我其实应该睡了,但是我好开心,因为慧娴成功通过翻身赛了!相信所有收看校园superstar 的观众都会对慧娴留下印象,因为她太可爱了!当然,慧娴也有一定的歌唱实力,只是有时会觉得她的唱腔过于成熟,与她可爱的外形有点格格不入。不过,慧娴还是我在这一届校园superstar里最喜欢的参赛者。我个人是觉得慧娴蛮适合唱杨承琳的歌曲,所以希望她在接下来的比赛中要慎选参赛歌曲,因为选对歌曲就已经成功了一半。虽然今晚因为工作而错过了慧娴的演唱,但是还好我来得及收看比赛结果。尽管因工作而累了一整天,我在听到慧娴成功进入下一圈时还是高兴得跳了起来,大喊大叫。开心嘛!哈哈哈!总而言之,经过翻身赛的洗礼,相信慧娴接下来的表现将会更加出色,更加令人期待。慧娴!我支持妳!要加油喔!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

A summary of my past week or so

1. I had my foundation program from the previous thursday to the past wednesday. The class was really nice and friendly so does the trainers especially Grace who I thought had struck a good rapport with the class. Ros and Benjie were always fun to have around while the rest such as Jean, KK, Jieming, Jade, Faizal, Ali, Zac, Crystal...and many more had all been pleasant companions throughout the 5 days. During the 5 days, I've heard from Benjie and Crystal about their dreams. Benjie wants: a condo near IR and the upcoming F1 track, a holiday at Australia to eat huge and expensive crabs, a yatch at Monaco, a whole lot of vintage wines plus a few nice cars. Crystal wants a 5-room flat of her own as well as a European holiday by the end of the year. As for me, right now I just hope to clear my study loan and my parents' housing loan...the rest see how ba. Anyway glad to have known so many "comrades" in the industry and hope we can all make it to the Million Dollar Round Table soon enough!

2. I had my NUS commencement on 070707, the day which, according to the papers, was a lucky day to get married. How ironic coz while others were celebrating with their loved ones, whether it was at ROM or NUS, I was there alone. I invited her but till the end, as expected, she didn't appear. I thought that I would be really sad and depressed but I didn't. I guess I can see things in a more open light now and anyway I still have the best wishes from people who really care for me. Back to the ceremony, it was a fine occasion. Eunice Olsen was the guest speaker and I was shocked when she said she actually retook her 'A' Levels before coming to NUS. I was really filled with a sense of pride as I went up the stage to collect my scroll, which summed up my 10 over years of academic journey. There were highs and lows and I must admit that only after entering NUS then I felt that I was really learning about knowledge, not simply facts and numbers. Being in NUS was an enriching experience and though I was a little sad with not being able to go into Honours, I can encourage myself that I'm now going to step into the University of Life and hopefully I can do well, achieve my dreams and bring a little light and warmth to every person I come across.

3. As I am writing this, I am going for my 1st opening this evening at 6.45pm. I received words of encouragement from my comrades as well as some discouraging ones from my mum. nevertheless, one thing I've come to realise is that to achieve, I must be positive and not be put down by others. I am going to be the one to decide my own success or failure, not any other.

To Huiting: 嗨! 最近好吗?这几天看妳的blog,觉得妳好像是被一些感情的事所困扰,也看得出妳多姿多彩的校园生活。要开心喔! 我不是指在朋友面前的笑脸,而是发自内心的开心。喜欢小猪的人应该要快乐才对嘛,就像他努力的表演,也是希望所有小猪迷都能开开心心的。日子不管是开心或悲伤都是要过的,那么何不选择笑着面对呢?