Sunday, April 29, 2007

Yes 933明星DJ争霸赛:赛后感

哈哈考试结束了,我也可以静下心来写一写我参加Yes 933明星DJ争霸赛的一些感想。这场比赛分成初赛,半决赛和决赛,而我很遗憾也很幸运地止步于半决赛。为什么这么说呢?因为既然参加了就一定会有期待,即使是不切实际的期待。然而,我也一直警惕自己要抱着平常心来对待。不管结果如何,至少我趁自己还年轻时追求自己当DJ的梦想,而只要尽了力就不该有遗憾。虽然对于未能闯进决赛有一些些的失望,但是能够进入半决赛已经出乎我的意料之外。因为在初赛时真的很紧张,所以有点词不达意,说起话来也不是很顺畅。以为已经没机会了,没想到后来竟然接到933的工作人员打来的电话通知,真的是喜出望外。无论如何,对于能进入决赛的十位参赛者,我真的是心服口服,也祝他们好运。这次参赛,我除了告诉我的家人和一位朋友外,我也告诉了她。我们的冷战还未结束,而她也没有传简讯替我加油,不过我相信她是在心里默默的支持我,就像她在我心中不曾离开。好了,总而言之,这次是个难得且宝贵的经验,而933的DJ,工作人员及评审也都很亲切。虽然不能成为933的DJ,但我还是会每天收听933的,尤其是佩芬的节目 :p

On a special note: Thanks to Huiting who left a comment in my post about 庭竹. I didn't post anything on 志勇's blog so quite interested to know how you found me there. But I did post comments on 佩芬's blog. Anyway, hope u can enlighten me on that and thanks again for the websites u recommended.

Friday, April 27, 2007


Noticed this new singer 庭竹 recently. A talented singer/song writer, she has talent and a nice voice as well. Heard her 2 songs 雨声 and 喜欢你 really like them very much especially the latter one. Another thing which striked me about her is that she seems to look like a friend of mine...just as pretty haha :p



Monday, April 16, 2007

Happy Birthday to an Aries angel

I rarely write stuff with english coz always felt that my chinese is way better than my angmoh but since it's a special occasion and a present for a really precious friend...just decided to give it a shot. I've written lots for love but this is a rare piece of writing for friendship hope that it's not too bad :p

Happiness descended from the Aries sign
As an angel emerges from the light
Pretty, caring and polite
Pure with a heart of snowy white
You have bright up people's lives, with your radiant heart and mind

Bringing warmth to melt the ice
I've been blessed like many alike
Roaminhg through a world so wide
To meet you is my greatest delight
Hope your star will always shine
Dancing with joy, day and night
Anywhere you go you will find
Your happiness isn't far behind

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


was watching the rerun of 爱情魔发师 and heard 亚斯 said these:

。。。被放弃的人 不是输家。在爱情的过程里面,我们一直站在付出比较多的那方,所以受伤,嫉妒,开心,欢笑,所有爱情的感觉,我们都比对方多了一倍。当然 伤害也会多了一倍,不过这些现在对方都感受不到了,全部都留给我们承受。不过也正因为我们比别人多了一份爱,才有力量在伤痛中重新站起来。

Meaningful isn't it?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Heard this song on radio recently, struck a chord within my heart...


红尘有妳 就有我无悔的泥
随人间风雨迁进 怨不了无情天地

那苍天从不曾改变 留给我寂寞的誓言
走过人间千百回天涯 又回到深情的原点
那岁月再怎么摧残 我的心不会怕永远
红尘有妳 红尘有妳