Whoa I'm surprised by your offer leh :p coz the albums are opened before and are not autographed. But dun worry, they are still in decent condition. Show's early albums very rare now perhaps? My brother want me to emphasize that 达人show he has never listened b4 only opened the plastic wrapping. Also, to make things clearer, Showtime and 达人show have vcds while 催眠show does not have vcd. Do u mind giving me your msn when u post your comment so that we can negotiate further? Btw my brother suggested to let you have a look at the albums in person b4 deciding on the price and which one u want to buy first. Know that u're saving up for Show's concert so confirm below 20 bucks. K lah that's all hope to hear from u soon :D
1 comment:
呃对现在很难买得到了,而且yahoo auction那些人把价钱抬得很高,有点恐怖。
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