终于买了这张专辑。仔细想一想,如果想要庭竹来新加坡宣传的话,就应该让她知道在这里有人买她的正版专辑,支持她的音乐。不想好音乐,好声音被埋没,所以决定用行动表示支持。希望所有注意到庭竹,喜欢庭竹的新加坡歌迷都能购买正版专辑,让唱片公司有信心让庭竹来这里办签唱会和其他的宣传活动。买了专辑后马上回家播来听,只能说这张专辑没有让我失望。本来想写篇album review的,不过后来决定多听几天再动笔。无论如何,买了庭竹的专辑好开心,虽然cd casing not very user-friendly,不过包装不重要,好音乐才是重点。另外,今天佩芬在933的空中读出我的sms,还说她注意到我常sms给她,谢谢我对“下午茶,白日梦”的支持。太开心了,因为佩芬是我最喜欢的DJ。我每天都会听“下午茶,白日梦”,就算以后佩芬换班,我还是会尽力每天收听的。总而言之,thanks to 庭竹 and 佩芬, 7th May 2007, monday is a beautiful day.
Special note to Huiting: Normally when singers come to s'pore for autograph sessions, they will put autograph coupons or 通行证 in the albums' 2nd version so that people who want the autographs will have to buy another album for the coupon. Basically, no coupon no autograph and also those with coupons can queue more in front than those without coupons. Haha at least it was like that when I was chasing S.H.E and Jolin in the past. If there's a different system now, welcome to let me know about it thanks :p
1 comment:
你这么说就让我想起以前我参加某个歌手的签唱会师也需要通行证。我买的是第一版,所以没有,也就没得到签名了。=( 我印象中最近的签唱会都不用通行证。不同举办和唱片公司都有不同的行销方法吧。
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