今天听到933主打的新歌里有庭竹的《负荷》,好开心喔。我从听完她的专辑后就觉得这首歌会是下一波的主打,果真给我料中了,真是英雄所见略同。这首歌很动听,很伤感,描述两个人在一段感情里从相爱到互相伤害而不得不分开的无奈。希望大家听了这首歌之后会喜欢。这首歌目前似乎没有MV,所以下面这个youtube video是庭竹现场演唱的《负荷》希望大家听了这首歌之后会喜欢。
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
All the best to 933
On a special note to Huiting: saw your blog entries so 2 things to tell you.
1. If you want to go Show's concert just take MC loh,I also used to take MC during my NS in order to attend Jolin's autograph session so trust me, MC is not that difficult to get :p
2. Don't be too disappointed with your results. What really matters is that you do well in your 'O' Levels. A little experience talk here: for english just read more english stuff like newspapers, books and magazines and also take note of current affairs which will be important when you do your GP paper in Sec 4. Language cannot study last-min must accumulate everyday. Hope you don't find me too kaipoh :p
On a special note to Huiting: saw your blog entries so 2 things to tell you.
1. If you want to go Show's concert just take MC loh,I also used to take MC during my NS in order to attend Jolin's autograph session so trust me, MC is not that difficult to get :p
2. Don't be too disappointed with your results. What really matters is that you do well in your 'O' Levels. A little experience talk here: for english just read more english stuff like newspapers, books and magazines and also take note of current affairs which will be important when you do your GP paper in Sec 4. Language cannot study last-min must accumulate everyday. Hope you don't find me too kaipoh :p
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
SMS to 佩芬 07
Noon Wesley: Hi Peifen! Aiyoh weibin fell sick? Hope Peifen & the remaining 933 DJs take care ya. Dedicate the next song to all workers wish them gd health. Oso wish u & all 933 DJs gd health & a smooth day ahead.
SMS to 佩芬 06
Noon Wesley: Hi Peifen! Just heard frm yr program abt tat survey on walking speed. Actually, the samples are selective & Hongkong is left out so the results may not be tat accurate. But I must admit the pace of life here is very fast. Wish to dedicate the next song to Cruz & wish him a speedy recovery. Wish peifen a nice day ahead too! :)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
专辑:雨声 歌手:庭竹

我不是一个专业的音乐人,所以只想表达一下自己听了这张专辑后的感想及感觉。这张专辑的风格很统一,带有民谣与摇滚的味道。歌曲大多采用较简单朴实的编曲,让人听起来很轻松,很舒服。歌词中所探讨的也不只是爱情,也包括亲情,友情,男女问题及现代都市人所面对的烦恼。这一点或许是受到偶像张雨生的影响吧。不盲目的跟着时下流行的中国风或Hip Hop,庭竹的歌曲有如当今乐坛的一股清流,让人感觉清新。庭竹在专辑包办了大部分的词曲,而从中也不难看出她的创作功力,让她能通过简单但细腻的词曲将感情与想法表达出来。专辑里有许多值得推荐的歌曲如纪念张雨生的《雨声》,提倡女性自主的《小女人》,感伤的《现在的你》和《负荷》,探讨现代都市人的《骗自己》及包含友情和亲情的《远方的祝福》。我本身尤其喜欢acoustic version的《负荷》,很简单,很感人。我不常买cd,但是我很庆幸自己买了这张专辑。
当今乐坛有不少创作型女歌手如陈绮贞,蔡健雅,戴佩妮及最近刚发片的许哲佩。庭竹也是走创作型女歌手的路线,而她又有什么突围而出的条件呢? 庭竹的外形虽称不上让人惊艳,但让人感觉舒服,耐看。她的歌声有辨识度,不会让人觉得像其他歌手。另外,她的歌声也让人觉得轻松,没有压力,而且从这张专辑也听出她的歌声的可朔性,不论是轻快或抒情的歌曲都能唱,并且唱出自己的特色。她的创作能力也能从这张专辑中得到证实。加上庭竹的歌曲有如当今乐坛的一股清流,让人感觉清新,所以这张专辑能在众歌手中突围而出,取得不错的成绩。然而,许多人都说第二张专辑定生死,所以在下一张专辑,庭竹需要通过唱法及歌曲进一步加深与加强“庭竹”的独特性。另外,也许是第一张专辑的关系,曲风及所探讨的话题都明显的受到市场的一些局限。希望在下一张专辑,庭竹能够在歌曲上有更多自主权,尝试更多不一样的东西。从庭竹的第一张专辑,我听出更多的可能性,不论是歌唱或创作上。希望庭竹能继续加油,用妳的创意做出更多好音乐,用妳的歌声唱出更多感人的歌。
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
SMSes to 佩芬 01-05
通过佩芬甜美悦耳的声音读出我的smses,感觉就像与朋友聊天般舒服,亲切。每一则她读出的sms代表一个快乐的时刻。谢谢佩芬,我最喜爱的933DJ. I'll support u 4ever!
933 hi peifen i'm wesley. I'm a uni undergrad hv lots of notes to print so i'll make sure i use both sides of the papers.
WKN Wesley: Hi Peifen!Want to dedicate the next song to myself coz havin my last paper at 1pm. Oso wish u a happy weekend & hope man utd win everton tonight!
Noon wesley: hi peifen!Wish to dedicate the next song to Kaleen, wish her a happy labor day & though she's stil keeping me at arm's length, there will always b a place for her in my heart. Oso wish peifen a happy labor day & have fun after your shift is over.
933 Wesley: Hi Peifen! I oso hv sensitive nose so i can understand hw u feel. Jus drink more water & keep yrself warm & u wil b ok soon ya. Man Utd wins title loh so happy 1st title in 3 years!Dedicate the next song to Peifen & all fans of Red Devils hope man utd win FA Cup too!
933 Wesley: hi peifen! Sounds like your nose is better now le wor take care ya. I'm now graduating so looking for job. Does 933 hv any vacancy? Haha dedicate the next song to u hope u hv a gd afternoon ahead & hope i find a job soon :)
933 hi peifen i'm wesley. I'm a uni undergrad hv lots of notes to print so i'll make sure i use both sides of the papers.
WKN Wesley: Hi Peifen!Want to dedicate the next song to myself coz havin my last paper at 1pm. Oso wish u a happy weekend & hope man utd win everton tonight!
Noon wesley: hi peifen!Wish to dedicate the next song to Kaleen, wish her a happy labor day & though she's stil keeping me at arm's length, there will always b a place for her in my heart. Oso wish peifen a happy labor day & have fun after your shift is over.
933 Wesley: Hi Peifen! I oso hv sensitive nose so i can understand hw u feel. Jus drink more water & keep yrself warm & u wil b ok soon ya. Man Utd wins title loh so happy 1st title in 3 years!Dedicate the next song to Peifen & all fans of Red Devils hope man utd win FA Cup too!
933 Wesley: hi peifen! Sounds like your nose is better now le wor take care ya. I'm now graduating so looking for job. Does 933 hv any vacancy? Haha dedicate the next song to u hope u hv a gd afternoon ahead & hope i find a job soon :)
Monday, May 07, 2007
庭竹and佩芬made my beautiful Monday

终于买了这张专辑。仔细想一想,如果想要庭竹来新加坡宣传的话,就应该让她知道在这里有人买她的正版专辑,支持她的音乐。不想好音乐,好声音被埋没,所以决定用行动表示支持。希望所有注意到庭竹,喜欢庭竹的新加坡歌迷都能购买正版专辑,让唱片公司有信心让庭竹来这里办签唱会和其他的宣传活动。买了专辑后马上回家播来听,只能说这张专辑没有让我失望。本来想写篇album review的,不过后来决定多听几天再动笔。无论如何,买了庭竹的专辑好开心,虽然cd casing not very user-friendly,不过包装不重要,好音乐才是重点。另外,今天佩芬在933的空中读出我的sms,还说她注意到我常sms给她,谢谢我对“下午茶,白日梦”的支持。太开心了,因为佩芬是我最喜欢的DJ。我每天都会听“下午茶,白日梦”,就算以后佩芬换班,我还是会尽力每天收听的。总而言之,thanks to 庭竹 and 佩芬, 7th May 2007, monday is a beautiful day.
Special note to Huiting: Normally when singers come to s'pore for autograph sessions, they will put autograph coupons or 通行证 in the albums' 2nd version so that people who want the autographs will have to buy another album for the coupon. Basically, no coupon no autograph and also those with coupons can queue more in front than those without coupons. Haha at least it was like that when I was chasing S.H.E and Jolin in the past. If there's a different system now, welcome to let me know about it thanks :p
Saturday, May 05, 2007
To buy or not to buy

Today, I saw 庭竹's album at the Sembawang Music Center in Hougang Mall. Finally coz I've been on a lookout for her album for the past week or so. I don't usually buy cds except those of Jolin, S.H.E and F.I.R which are must-buys for me so I guess I'm really attracted to her music to make stingy me take out my wallet :p In fact, I'm thinking of going to her autograph session if she comes to Singapore. Haven't been to one for years coz feel like I'm too old to go for such things. But anyway here comes my dilemma: if I buy the cd now, I have to buy another one if she comes to Singapore and I wish to go to her autograph session. If I wait till she comes, I don't even know if she's coming in the first place and I really wish to hear all her songs and discover other unknown gems of hers. So, to buy or not to buy, that is the question...
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
现在的你 by 庭竹
半夜看cable,突然发现这首由庭竹作词作曲的一首歌。对她写的词很有共鸣,也只有经历过这种伤痛的人才能有所体会吧。编曲从开始的简单到复歌的澎湃,带出从淡淡的哀愁得不到解脱而忍不住从内心痛苦的呐喊。到了最后一切归回平淡,淡淡的哀愁只想问“現在的你是否也在想我,想我過的好不好”,只想说“曾經有個人陪伴你,一直有個人想著你,永遠有個人在默默祝福。。著你。。 等你”。庭竹动听的歌声和动人的诠释让这首歌能够进入我内心的最深处,那个受了伤还隐隐作痛的角落。如果她能听到这首歌,她应该会知道我的心情吧。这首歌,献给所有经历过失去真爱的人。
想著你 發呆到天亮
黑暗中 有你的臉
看著我 甜甜的笑
不知道 怎麼好遠 才發現你已離開我身邊 喔
現在的你是否也在想我 想我過的好不好
現在的你是否也在看著 遠遠天空閃亮的星
以後的我一定還會為你 保留一個位置
將來的你 也許可以想起
想著你 哭泣到天亮
黑暗中 有你的臉
看著我 甜甜的笑
不知道 怎麼好遠 才發現你已離開我身邊 喔
現在的你是否也在想我 想我過的好不好
現在的你是否也在看著 寂寞的夜空
現在的你是否也在想我 想我過的好不好
現在的你是否也在看著 遠遠天空閃亮的星
以後的我一定還會為你 保留一個位置
將來的你 也許可以想起
曾經有個人陪伴你 一直有個人想著你
永遠有個人在默默祝福 著你 喔~ 等你 喔~
On a speciate note, just want to tell Huiting that 小女人 is a very interesting song. Think 庭竹's voice is so good that she makes almost any song sounds good. Thanks for your recommendation.
想著你 發呆到天亮
黑暗中 有你的臉
看著我 甜甜的笑
不知道 怎麼好遠 才發現你已離開我身邊 喔
現在的你是否也在想我 想我過的好不好
現在的你是否也在看著 遠遠天空閃亮的星
以後的我一定還會為你 保留一個位置
將來的你 也許可以想起
想著你 哭泣到天亮
黑暗中 有你的臉
看著我 甜甜的笑
不知道 怎麼好遠 才發現你已離開我身邊 喔
現在的你是否也在想我 想我過的好不好
現在的你是否也在看著 寂寞的夜空
現在的你是否也在想我 想我過的好不好
現在的你是否也在看著 遠遠天空閃亮的星
以後的我一定還會為你 保留一個位置
將來的你 也許可以想起
曾經有個人陪伴你 一直有個人想著你
永遠有個人在默默祝福 著你 喔~ 等你 喔~
On a speciate note, just want to tell Huiting that 小女人 is a very interesting song. Think 庭竹's voice is so good that she makes almost any song sounds good. Thanks for your recommendation.
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